Mariano Cunietti President of "Società Italiana di Fotogrammetria e Topografia"

At the beginning of 1968 a questionnaire was distributed to the public and private photogrammetric Organizations and to the photogrammetrists working in Italy, with the aim of collecting information for the drawing up of the present report.

The questionnaire, which is related here below and to which the summarized description that follows will refer, has been drawn up according to point 10 {National Reports) of the « Directives pour les travaux des Commissions et les publications valables jusqu'au Congrès 1968 » given by I1.S.P. 1- The nature and the extent of the photogrammetric activity with industrial productive character. 1.1 Taking operations 1.2 Net of the ground control points 1.3 Plotting operations 14 Photo-interpretation i 1.5 Special applications 2 - The new methods, new equipments and aims worked out and tested in the production field. 21 Innovations in the methods and in the instruments 2.2 Original and new aims 3 - Contribution of Photogrammetry in solving problems of economic politics. 3.1 Use of Photogrammetry in economic problems, particularly during the late alluvions 3.2 Advantages deriving from the use of Photogrammetry also’ for problems connected with town planning 4 - Researches of scientific and technical character. 4.1 Researches and experiments on the instruments 4.2 Researches and experiments concerning the operations 5 - Progress of the photogrammetric technique. 5.1 In the instruments 5.2 In the methods 5.3 In the computations 54 In the applications

The Organizations mentioned here below answered our questions with full particulars:

State Organizations

Istituto Geografico Militare - Firenze

Istituto Idrografico della Marina - Genova

Direzione Generale del Catasto e dei SS.TT.EE. - Roma il

University Institutes

Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Photogrammetry « G. Cassinis », Politec nico, Milano

Institute of Topography, Politecnico, Torino

Institute of Geology, Palaeontology and Geography, Università, Parma

Institute of Topography, Università, Cagliari

Institute of Architecture, Università, Bari

Institute of Physics, Università, Milano

Private Photogrammetric Organizations


E.LR.A. - Firenze


GEOMAP - Firenze

LR.T.A. - Milano

T.R.T.E.F. - Firenze

SARA - Roma

Ufficio Tecnico Leopoldo Carra - Parma

Firms building photogrammetric apparatuses. l

Officine Galileo - Firenze

Ottico Meccanica Italiana - Roma

Of the three State Organizations attending to cartography, only the Istituto Geografico Militare (I.G.M.) performs the surveys directly and is, therefore, adequately equipped to carry out the whole cycle for production of maps, that is from the flight up to the printing.

On the technical and scientific point of view, I.G.M. is, with no doubt, the most important cartographic Organization in Italy, its instrumental equipment is considerable, its production good. The information they sent, together with that sent by the other Organizations, has been used to sketch a general landscape of the photogrammetric activity in Italy.

The Direzione Generale del Catasto applies to Photogrammetry for the survey of cadastrial maps; the whole work, however, is undertaken on contract by private firms. In the period which the present report refers to, the Dire zione Generale surveyed nearly 3.500 hectars at a scale of 1 : 1.000 and 800 hectars at a scale of 1:2.000 of prevailingly urban zones.

As to the studies, the Direzione Generale attends to a new regulation for the technical testings of cadastrial maps, particularly for what concerns the deter mination of the tolerance limits. 1- The nature and the extent of the photogrammetric activity with industrial productive character. 1.1 Taking operations: 292 flights have been carried out to cover the areas indicated in hectars here below at the various scales: 1: 5000-1: 9000 1: 10000-1 : 19000 1: 20000-1 : 30000 other scales 243.000 ha 555.500 ha 5.380.000 ha 1.320.000 ha The taking cameras which have been more widely used are: Wild RC-5a,

Galileo Santoni VI, Zeiss QMR/A, Foma Nistri, Wild RC-8, RMKA 15/23. The photographs were generally taken on films with acetate support. 12

1.2 In the surveys for the 1 : 25000 scale cartography, IGM adopted, for 98%, the analogical aerotriangulation for blocks.

The photogrammetric firms, for 40% of their production, made use of aero triangulation either for blocks or for strips; for the remaining 60% about, they applied to trigonometrical networks, sometimes adding to the already existing some new points. Only in few cases the double flight at different altitudes was used. 1.3 The cartographic plotting of the aerial photographs supplied mean and large scale maps covering about 6 milion hectars, thus distributed according to the different scales: 1: 5000 1: 5000-1: 9000 1: 10000-1: 19000 1: 20000-1 : 30000 other scales 599.000 ha 768.500 ha 820.000 ha 3.098.000 ha 150.000 ha

While the production of I.G.M. is entirely devoted to the State official cartography (1:20.000 scale), the private firms carry out cartographic work with different aims. These aims we have indicated here after, without specifying what is the importance per cent of each of them in the whole production: land reclamation and irrigation, town planning, roads and railways, agrarian and hydrologic studies, civil engineering in general, cadastre, mines, besides, of course, the general cartography carried out on commission of local Institutions.

The capacity of production of the cartographic firms has been used for 80% only; exception is made for I.G.M. whose availability of staff and equipments has always been employed in full.

The instrumentation used is represented by all the instruments of national production, namely those by Officine Galileo (Stereocartograph IV, Stereo simplex III and II) and those by Ottico Meccanica Italiana (Photostereograph 3, Photocartograph V, Analytical Plotter AP/C, Stereocomparator TA3); moreo ver, some instruments Wild (Autographs A$8 and A2) have been also employed. 14 As to photo-interpretation, we cannot help mentioning the powerful « Atlante delle sedi umane », edited by I.G.M. and, particularly the II volume, dealing with the ancient zones populated by the man, which has recently appeared.

Some specialized firms have employed photointerpretation, mainly abroad, in work of applied geology, particularly in the field of hydrology, of geothermal and petroleum exploration, of analysis of fractures.

About 1.100 km? have been surveyed, on the whole, by the photogeologic method. 15 In the current use, photogrammetry has been employed very seldom for special applications: however, mention is to be given to the surveys of some important architectural monuments carried out according to the photogram metric method by firms and university Institutes. 2- The new methods, new equipments and aims worked out and tested in the production field.

Here are collected all the instrumental and operative innovations, the ori ginal applications successfull not so much in the research, as rather in the production field, both in the case of old problems faced with modern methods and in the one of new problems solved photogrammetrically for the first time, at least in Italy. 21 The most relevant innovations of methods and instruments are: 2.1.1 For the creation of ground networks: the use of tellurometers and 13

similar instruments; the use of analytical triangulation and aerotriangulation by independent models. 2.1.2 For the taking of the photographs: the use of special polyester supports; the use of colour films. 2.1.3 For the plotting: the use of new instruments, recently built by the national industries (Simplex II c, AP/C, Stereocartograph V). 2.1.4 For the computations: the more and more increasing use of electronic computers and, particularly, the use of the desk electronic computer « Olivetti, program 10l ». 2.1.5 For the drawing: the use of methods of direct drawing during the plotting, thus avoiding the phase of the engraved drawing. 2.2 The most interesting innovations in the aims are: 2.2.1 As to the aerial surveys: they have been used for determining the density of cars in the town parkings at the different hours; for the statistical study of the new residential areas in order to localize the big stores; for the study of landslip movements and of downward slopes; for the study of morphology and of variations in the shore-lines; for the realization of a special type of geomorphologic maps {(topomorphic maps) of quick production and low cost, used as planimetric basis, in case conventional maps are not available (about 50.000 km? at the scales 1: 50.000 to 1: 25.000). 2.2.2 As to the photogrammetric plotting: it has been used in the road planning; in the determination of cadastrial small parceis barycentric coordinates; in the determination of volumetric distribution of buildings in town, cartography, by piotting the altitudes of their tops. 2.2.3 Photogrammetry is also used for special purposes, such as the deter mination of deformations in models of big industrial structures, the determi. nation of erosion and transport of materials on hydraulic models; the construct lion of models for restoration of ancient paintings. 3 - Contribution of Photogrammetry in solving problenis of economic politics. 3.1 Photogrammetry proved to be very useful, thanks to the possibility of a quick intervention, to the complete documentation and metric information it offers, on occasion of the tragic event of the « Vajont» dam and of the more recent alluvions of Autumn 1967: the flight effected along the rivers in the most damaged areas, Just after the catastrophe, allowed the identification of the points where the banks were broken, of the weak points and the measure of the flooded areas, so that a prompt intervention was made possible. 3.2 A wide town planning program for the most important centres of life is being achieved. In all problems connected with the formulation of rational and organic schemes, with town planning and road studies and in those concerning the preservation and thé increasing of parks and gardens in town, photogram metry revealed and reveals still as an indispensable instrument, both as a means for obtaining in a short time a complete cartography and as providing the important photographic document. Its applications in town planning are progressively increasing. 4. Researches of scientific and technical character.

Such researches have been carried out mainly in the State Institutions, in the Universities, in the Firms building photogrammetric apparatuses. 14

4.1 Researches and experiments on the instruments. 4.1.1 For the taking: study, planning and production of a new objective lens for industrial purposes taking cameras; planning and production of the Den drophoto camera for ground forest determinations. i 4.1.2 For the plotting: the improvement of the Stereosimplex Santoni mod. II c for superwideangular takings; the realization of an orthophotoprinter to add to the AP/C; the planning and the realization of the new monocomparator and stereocomparator Galileo Santoni; the realization of the new analogica! plotter of II order RA/II; the building of instruments to make measures and statistic computations for fractures and geomorphologic analysis quicker and surer. 42 The subjects of both theoretical and experimental researches as to the operations were: 4.2.1 Aerial triangulation. Methods and procedures of both analytical and ana logical triangulation have been studied; the possibility of using non universal instruments in the triangulation with independent pairs has roused much interest.

Researches of experimental an theoretical character in order to identify the causes of error, are being carried out. The adjustment of blocks of strips is still a topical subject-in the scientific field; Italy has participated actively to the OEEPE's researches. Concerning the statistical study of the causes of error in the elementary operations of triangulation, a new address is to be pointed out: it consists in the analysis of the results of strips repeated several times (15-20 times). 42.2 Plotting. Several studies, some already published, some others not yet, have been carried out on the use of the AP/C for the precision plotting. 42.3 Special applications. Photogrammetric taking of car mechanical pieces and bodies was the subject of careful studies in order to evaluate the precision of the survey for points of surfaces whatsoever. An application of such procedure to the restoration of paintings on tables is being experimented at the Resto ration Laboratory of the Superintendence of the Arts in Florence. In the group of special researches are to be included also those concerning the study of colour photogrammetric takings with different material and treatment and, moreover, the studies on the possibility of using in photogrammetry, for or dinary purposes, panoramic cameras with transversal range of 180°. Mention must be given of the studies on the application of numerical photogrammetry procedures to the solution of problems connected with the experimental studies on physics of the elementary particles, in large dimension bubble cameras. 5 - Directions of the progress of the photogrammetric technique. 5.1 In the instruments: the most evident direction concerns, as to the control networks, the use of analytical triangulation and, consequently, of the stereo comparators; as to the plotting, there is an increase in the use of non universal instruments. Also the triangulation by independent pairs with non universal instruments is developing. 5.2 In the methods: for some special purposes, which will be of the highest importance in the near future, numerical procedures are in the foreground. As a consequence, the use of automatic numerical recording will necessarily spread more and more. 5.3 In the computations: big electronic computers will come into common use, 15

as well as those of smaller capacity but cheaper and easier to be used, like, for instance, the desk computer Olivetti, Program 101. 54 In special applications: the advantages of metric and documentary charac ter are more and more appreciated also in other fields and photogrammetry will be soon widely used also for non cartographic purposes on the industrial productive plane.

Before concluding by the essential bibliographic notes this short, synthetic and schematic review of the photogrammetric work carried out in Italy, we cannot help mentioning the frequent request for starting the drawing up of the national technical cartography at 1:10.000 scale. The Italian Geodetic Com mission has undertaken the burdensome work of defining the problem techni cally, in all its administrative and economicai aspects. This work is already at a good point. Also in the politicai field a large current of consent is deli neating and we hope it may lead to insert this necessary work into the econo mical program of the next years.

On the more strictly technical point of view, the National Research Council has appointed, at the Politecnico of Milano, an « Enterprise » of research, aiming to study the problem of determining the control points by means of blocks of strips. An experimental polygon 30x30 km? established near Florence, containing over 200 signalized points, has been flown at a height of 4.500 m and has been covered by 6 longitudinal and 3 transyersal strips. Such photo graphic material is now used, for a large set of different experimental tests, by the Institute of Geodesy, Topography and Photogrammetry of the Politecnico of Milano.

BIBLIOGRAPHY Papers presented at the Congress held in Lisbon in 1964 1) Adamesteanu D.: Contribution of the Archaeological « Aerofototeca » of the Ministry of Education to the solution of problems of ancient topography in Italy. 2) Astori B.: Calibrazioni e rettifiche del restitutore analitico AP/C. Edizione O.M.I., 1964. 3) Bencini P.: Istituzione di un poligono sperimentale in Italia per lo studio dei blocchi di strisciate nella triangolazione aerea analitica. Boll. Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 2, 1964. 4) Birardi G.: Calcolo di un blocco di strisciate appoggiate a punti unifor memente distribuiti. Boll. Geodesia e Sc. Affini, n. 3, 1964. 5) Cunietti M. - Inghilleri G. - Togliatti G.: Aerotriangulation on the AP/C. Rivista del Catasto e dei SS.TT.EE., nn. 5, 6, 1964. 6) Ferri W.: Stereosimplex model II/c. 7) Fondelli M.: Analogical aerial triangulation by means of Galileo Santoni ‘Stereosimplex mod. III. 8) Fondelli M.: Expeditious planimetric adjustment by means of Galileo Santoni scale mapping. 9) Giordano G.: Forest inventory in the Province of Misiones-Argentine, 10) Le Divelec G.P.: Aspects pratiques des applications de la Photogrammétrie « Aérienne dans la préparation des projets de routes. 11) Le Divelec G.P.: Une utilisation de la Photogrammétrie Aérienne pour la | smise en projet intégrale des travaux d’assainissement agricole par irrigation. 16

12) Nistri R.: Un nuovo stereocomparatore a tre lastre. Ediz. OMI, 1964. 13) Sanesi G. - Tedesco G.C.: Photopedologic soil survey of the Province of Misiones in the Argentine. 14) Santoni E.: Problems relating to reticulation. 15) Santoni E.: Stereocartograph model V. 16) Schmiedt G.: Contribution of photo-interpretation to the reconstruction of the geographic-topographic situation of the ancient ports in Italy. 17) Togliatti G.: Experimental research on several types of analytical bridging: statistical analysis of model errors. Boll. Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 4, 1964. 18) Torrini A. - Ferri W.: Galileo Santoni equipment for non topographic ap. plications of photogrammetry. 19) Trombetti C.: Drawing tables driven by electronic servos for analogical photogrammetric plotters. Boll. Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 1, 1964.

Papers published in the period between the two Congresses 1) Alessandri F.: Note su un lavoro di fotointerpretazione eseguito dall’EIRÀ in Provincia di Misiones. Boll. SIFET, n. 2, 1965. 2) Alessandri F.: Problemi topografici della geologia e della pedologia, Boll. SIFET, n. 3 bis, 1967. . 3) Astori B. - Parenti G.: Optical Orthoprinter for analytical stereoplotters. Edizione OMI, 1968. Conferenza tenuta nel sett. 1967 allo I.S.P. Symposium, Ottawa. (TEL, 4) Astori B.: Considerazioni sui sistemi di misura adottati sui mono- e ste reocomparatori. Boll. SIFET, n. 2, 1965. 5) Barbier E.: Studio fotogeologico di una parte dell'Appennino Tosco-Emi liano. Boll. Soc. Geol. It., Vol. LKXXIII, 1964. 6) Barbier E. - Facibeni P.: Sulla struttura dell'Appennino settentrionale a ì nord del golfo di Spezia. Studio fotogeologico. Mem. Soc. Geol. It., vol. VI, 1967. 7) Barbier E.: La foto-interpretazione al servizio della bonifica agraria. Boll. SIFET n. 1, 1964. 8) Barbier E.: Nuove tecniche di fotointerpretazione geologica. Boll. SIFET, n. 2, 1965. 9) Bartorelli U.: Compensazione dell’aerotriangolazione di una catena, affetta da errori soltanto accidentali, mediante metodo dedotto statisticamente. La Ricerca scientifica, n. 4, vol. 4, 1964. 10) Bartorelli U.: Il Dendrophoto. Annuali dell’Accademia Italiana di Scienze " Forestali. Vol. XV, 1966. 11) Bartorelli U.: L'application dendrométrique de la photogrammétrie. Photo srammétrie, de la Soc. Belge de Phot., n. 88, 1967. 12) Bencini P.: Campionatura di reticoli a corredo dello stereocomparatore TA3/D dell'Istituto Geografico Militare. Boll. Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 4, 1965. 13) Bencini P.: Organizzazione produttivistica di calcoli geodetici, topografici e fotogrammetrici. Boll. SIFET, n. 3, 1966. 14) Bernini F.: Un aspetto moderno della topografia. Boll. SIFET n. 3 bis, febbraio 1968. 15) Bernini F. - Sgavetti D.M.: Ricerche geomorfologiche nel Delta Padano. Bol lettino di Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 1, 1968. 17

16) Birardi G.: Una specifica impostazione del problema della fotogrammetria analitica. Boll. Geodesia e Scienze Affini, n. 2, 1966. 17) Cunietti M. - Selvini A.: Il collaudo dei rilievi aerofotogrammetrici. Boll. SIFET, 1965. 18) Cunietti M. - Inghilleri G. - Puliti M.C. - Togliatti G.. Participatton aux recherches sur les blocs de bandes pour la cartographie à grande échelle organisées par la Commission B de l’OEEPE. Boll. Geodesia e Scienze Af fini, n. 1, 1967. 19) Falchi E.. Rilevamento fotogrammetrico di modelli idraulici a fondo erodi bile. L'Acqua, n. 1 gennaio-febbraio 1965. 20) Fazzini P. - Gelmini R.: Studio fotogeologico dell'Appennino modenese e reggiano. Att. Soc. Naturalist. e Matematici, vol. XCVII, 1966. 21) Ferri W.: Le prestazioni di uno Stereosimplex mod. II/C. Boll. SIFET, n. 2, agosto 1965. 22) Fondelli M.: Plotting Tests at Model II/C Galileo-Santoni Stereosimplex. ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. 12, 1965. 23) Fondelli M.: Nuove formule per l'aerotriangolazione solare analitica. Boll. Geod. e Scienze Affini. n. 4, 1965. 24) Fondelli M.: Ricordo dell'ing. Giampiero Ledivelec: la sua ultima ricerca sperimentale di fotogrammetria. Boll. SIFET n. 2, 1967. 25) Fondellit M.: La discussion des relations pendant le «Symposium Interna: tional de Photogrammétrie » de Fiorence. Boll. SIFET, n. 2, 1967. 26) Fondelli M.: Considerazioni sulla verifica delle condizioni geometriche stru mentali preliminari all'esecuzione della triangolazione analogica. Boll. Geod. e Sc. Affini, n. 3, 1967. 27) Fondelli M.: Plotting tests at Model Il/C Galileo Santoni Stereosimplex. ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. 12, 1965. 28) Friedman J.S.: Practical considerations on the usefulness of the Analytical Plotter mod. AP/C, Edizione OMI, 1965. 29) Friedman J.S.: Empirical observations on relative orientation. Photogram metric Engineering, nov. 1967. 30) Gelmini R.: Studio fotogeologico dell'Appennino Settentrionale tra il Val darno e la Romagna. Boll. Soc. Geol. It. Vol. LXXXIV, 1965. 31) Helava U.V.: New programs for the AP/C. Edizione OMI, 1966. 32) Helava U.V.: Theoretical aspects of automation in photogrammetry. Edi zione OMI, 1966. 33) Helava U.V.: A family of photogrammetric systems. Edizione OMI 1966. 34) Inghilleri G.: Contributions to the study of semianalytical triangulation. ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. 12, 1965. 35) Inghilleri G.: La progettazione automatica delle sezioni stradali. Rivista del la strada, 286, 1965. 36) Inghilleri G.: Contributo allo studio della triangolazione semianalitica. Ren diconti Istituto Lombardo, Vol. 99, 1965. 37) Inghilleri G. - Galetto R.: Further Developments of the Method of Aerotrian gulation by Independent Models. Photogrammetria, 22, 1967. 38) Ledivelec G.P.: Rational and economic employment of a photographic survey (The exemple of Misiones). ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. 11, 1964. 39) Ledivelec G.P.: A visit to the Lisbon Exhibition. ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. 12, 1965. 18

40) Ledivelec G.P.: Rilevamenti fotogrammetrici collaudati con gli stessi mezzi della fotogrammetria. Boll. SIFET n. 1, 1965. 41) Ledivelec G.P.: Orientation Absolue. Conférence de Photogrammetrie Ur. baine, Paris, 1965. 42) Lucarelli L. - Marchesini E... Natural Resources evaluation of Misiones Province, Argentine. ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. li, 1964. 43) Maffi €. - Marchesini E.: Semi-automatic Equipment for Statistical Analysis of Airphoto Linears. Photogrammetric Engin., Jan. 1964. 44) Marchesini E. - Pistolesi A... Landform Maps of intermediate Scale. XX Intern. Geogr. Congr. Sect. IX, London, July 1964. 45) Marchesini E. - Conedera C. - Morabito G. - Macii L.: Studio fotogeologico dell'Etna. Riv. Min. Siciliana, n. 85-87, 1964. 46) Parenti G.: Orthophotoprinting with the analytical plotter. Photogrammetric Engineering, apr. 1967. 47) Pillon M.: The topographic aero-photogrammetric maps of Misiones-Argen tine. ITALMAP-EIRA, Chronicle n. 11, 1964. 48) Ragni E.: Contributo al metodo fotogrammetrico elettronico nella misura dei volumi. Rivista della strada, n. 294, 1966. 49) Santoni E.: Instruments and photogrammetric devices for survey of close up subjects with particular stress to that of car bodies and their components photographed at various distances. Presented paper at Symposium for Commission V of ISP, Tokyo, 1966. 50) Santoni E.. Stereocartograph Santoni m. V. ITALMAP-EIRA, chronicle n. 12, 1965. 51) Schmiedt G.: Antichi porti d’Italia (parte prima). L'Universo, n. 2, 1965. 52) Schmiedt G.: Antichi porti d’Italia (parte seconda). L'Universo, n. 2, 1966. 53) Schmiedt G.: Antichi porti d’Italia (seg. parte seconda). L'universo n. 1, 1967. 54) Schmiedt G.: Contributo della fotointerpretazione alla ricostruzione della situazione geografico-topografica degli insediamenti antichi in Italia. L'Uni verso, n. 6, 1964. 55) Schmiedi G.: Contributo della fotointerpretazione alla ricostruzione del pae- | saggio agrario altomedioevale in Italia. Atti della XIII Settimana di studi del Centro Italiano di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo. Spoleto, 1966. 56) Schmiedt G.: Contribution de la photointerprétation è la reconstruction de la situation géographico-topographique des établissements antiques disparus en Italie. Mélanges d’archéologie et d’histoire offerts à André Piganiol, S.E.V.I.E.V., Paris, 1966, p. 155. 57) Schmiedt G.: Contributo della fotointerpretazione alla conoscenza della rete stradale dell'Umbria. Atti del III Convegno di studi Umbri, Gubbio 1965. 58) Schmiedt G.: Les habitats disparus en Italie; de l’antiquité à la Renaissance: leur identification sur la photographie aérienne. Atti del « II Symposium International de Photo-interprétation », Ed. Technip. Paris, 1967, V, pag. 54 segg. 59) Schmiedt G.: Antichi porti d’Italia, parte prima - Gli scali fenicio-punici; parte II - I porti delle colonie greche. L'Universo, n. 2, 1965, n. 2, 1966, n. 1, 1967. 60) Schmiedt G.: Applicazioni della foto-interpretazione allo studio delle cinte urbane. Atti del I Convegno sulla storia e la conservazione delle cerchia urbane, Lucca 1968. 19

61) Schmiedt G.: Contributo della fotografia aerea alla ricostruzione della città etrusca ed italica preromana. Atti del Convegno di studi sulla civiltà etrusca ed italica preromana, Bologna, 1967. 62) Schmiedt G.: Recenti applicazioni della fotografia aerea in ricerche di topo grafia antica e medievale. Atti dell’Accademia Petrarca di Lettere, Arti e Scienze di Arezzo. Arezzo, 1968. l 63) Schmiedt G.: Considerazioni sui rilevamenti aerofotografici utilizzati duran te il Convegno del 1961 per la ricostruzione dei porti antichi e medievali di Ravenna. Atti del II Convegno Internazionale di Studi sulle Antichità di Classe. Ravenna, 14-17 ottobre 1967. 64) Schmiedt G.: Foto-interpretazione di strutture fortificate dell'Alto Medioevo. Atti della V Tavola rotonda Nazionale dell'Istituto Italiano dei Castelli (Udine, 29-30 ottobre 1967). 65) Schmiedt G.: Le fortificazioni alto-medievali in Italia viste dall’aereo. Atti della XV Settimana di Studio del Centro It. di Studi sull’Alto Medioevo, Spoleto, Aprile 1967. 66) Tedesco G.C.: The 3/b SFG Galileo Stereoscope. ITALMAP-EIRA, chronicle n. 12, 1965. 67) Togliatti G. - Solaini L.: AP/C stability tests. Photogrammetric Engineering April 1966. 68) Traversi C.: Prospettive dell'Automazione per la cartografia. L'Universo, n. 1, 1967. 69) Trombetti C.: 03 OM Galileo Electronic Drawing Table and accuracy tests carried out on it. ITALMAP-EIRA, chronicle n. 12, 1965.

Papers presented at the Congress of Lausanne - 1968 1) Alvisi De Sanctis G.: La carta delle zone archeologiche d’Italia. Dir. Gen. Ant. e Belle Arti, 2) Astori B. - Cunietti M.: Check of the stability of OMI TA3/P stereocomparator measuring units. Boll. Geodesia e Sc. Affini, n. 1, 1968. 3) Bernini F.- Cunietti M, - Galetto R.: A photogrammetric method for assess ing the displacements under stress of large structure models. Experimental applications. Boll. Geodesia e Sc. Affini, n. 2, 1968. 4) Conedera C.: Contribution of photo-interpretation to the hystorical recons truction of the growth of deltas. 5) Dainelli P.: Airphoto Linears Analysis applied to regional geological inter pretation. 6) Ferri W.: Innovazioni su mono e stereo-comparatori. 7) Fondelli M. - Ferri W.: Studio fotogrammetrico delle deformazioni di un di pinto su tavola danneggiato dall’inondazione di Firenze del 4 novembre 1964. 8) Fondelli M.: Statistical Researches on the influence of the control point errors in the photogrammetric plotting (Complementary examination of the results reached in the tests carried out by ing. Ledivelec). 9) Fondelli M. - King C.W.B.: Experiences on aerial triangulation by indepen dent pairs for large scale mapping. 10) Galetto R. - Puliti M.C.: Experimental studies on the error surface of the strips in the Reichenbach polygon. 20