« Triangolazioni Topografiche e del Catasto» Alfredo Paroli - Ed. Hoepli - Milano 1948. « Instructions pratiques pour l’exécution des Triangulations complémentaires en haute montagne » Henry Vallot - Ed. Steinheil - Paris 1904. « Air survey in economic development» Rolt Hammond, ACGI, AMICE - Ed. Frederick Muller. « Project Surveying » Generai adjustment and Optimization Techniques with Appli cations to Engineering Surveying - P. Richardus - Ed. North-Holland Publish ing Company - Amsterdam. « Istruzioni per le operazioni trigonometriche » Ministero delle Finanze - Ed. Poli grafico dello Stato. « Field performance of the Tullurometer model MRA4» M.J. Hall B. Sc. (Eng.), L (S.A.), MIG.L.S. - Ed. The Plessey Group. «The Use of Model 6 Geodimeter» Major A.J. Ajers, R.E. o/c Field Work Branch - Ed. Ordnance Survey. i «A Geodimeter Evaluation » H.E. Jones - da « The Canadian Surveyor » vol. XVIII No 5, december 1964. « Automation for the Survey Party» The Code Theodolite - Walter Feldman - (25th Annual Meeting of the American Congress on Surveying and Mapping) - March 30 - April 2, 1965. « The Accurate measurement of a short line by Geodimeter model 6 » - A.L. Allan, M.A. A.R.LC.S. - da Survey Review - vol. XIX n. 145 - July '67. « Practical field surveying and computations » - A.L. Allan, M.A. A.R.T.C.S. - J.R. Hollwey, Bsc A.R.I.C.S. - T.H.B. Maynes, Bsc (Eng.) - Ed. Heinemann - London (1968). 14