High frequency GNSS systems for structural monitoring: critical issues and contributions of environmental aspects


  • Paolo Rossi Università degli studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Ingegneria “Enzo Ferrari”, Via Pietro Vivarelli 10, 41125 Modena


high frequency GNSS, structural monitoring, UNESCO site of Modena, signal analysis, weather conditions


This work is one of the few examples in Italy of monitoring structural health with high-frequency GNSS system applied to a civic
tower. The high-frequency survey allows to quantify the structural natural frequency and assess the health state of the same. The
Ghirlandina Tower in Modena, was chosen as case study for its significance and for the presence of a continuous monitoring systems
made of several sensors. An integrated monitoring system provides a multidisciplinary approach to the study of the structure and an
exhaustive interpretation of the interactions between different phenomena. The test highlighted problems in the application of high-
frequency GNSS technology: the magnitude of detected movements was not enough to significantly provide information about
structure health status and its responses to environmental stresses. The power spectrum is dominated by low frequencies phenomena,
only the shift in East-West direction showed a correlation with temperature variations.


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a) Torre Ghirlandina e Duomo, Modena (Italia), inclusi nella lista del patrimonio dell'UNESCO dal 1997. b) particolare della cuspide ottagonale e della sommità della Torre. c) Antenna GNSS installa sulla balaustra del ballatoio più alto della Torre a 78 m di altezza.



How to Cite

Rossi, P. 2016. High frequency GNSS systems for structural monitoring: critical issues and contributions of environmental aspects. Bollettino della società italiana di fotogrammetria e topografia. 1 (May 2016), 24–29.




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