A SIT for PPE of the city of Palermo: the case study of Castellammare district


  • Mario Damiano Comune di Palermo, Foro Umberto I, n.14, 90133 Palermo
  • Gino Dardanelli Scuola Politecnica dell’Università di Palermo, Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Ambientale, Aerospaziale, dei Materiali (DICAM), Viale delle Scienze - Edificio 8, 90118 Palermo
  • Sandro Ferrara Mediterranea IGEA S.r.l., Via G. Pacini n.5, 90138 Palermo


Municipality of Palermo, GIS, WebGIS, inner city, urban planning, open source


In this work a Geographic Information System was carried out at the service of municipal administration of Palermo, to integrate,
manage and store city plan information regarding the urban district Castellammare whereof detailed executive plan of inner city,
correlating basic cartography, current urban instrument, cadastral cartography, current restriction schemes, monumental and
historical monuments, street numbers and street network.
Quantum GIS vers. 1.8 of Free and Open-Source Software (FOSS) community was exclusively utilized to the fulfilment of GIS. To
the experimentation and the fulfilment of WebGIS a free server was used in cloud on the Amazon, where a virtual machine, based on
MapServer was implemented; the server is reachable online at: http://webppe.it
The carried out work allows to achieve relevant goals, for example to fulfil legislative duties about the change of territorial data
between different authorities and institutions, to improve the efficacy and efficiency of work carried out inside public administration,
to make available to specialists and administrators an instrument, that allows not only the data consultation in every moment through
a widespread technology, but also their processing on informative shared set, and finally to reach a large range of users, who don’t
have specialized knowledge, sharing different data from different sources but with the same aim: the simplification of technical-
administrative activity.


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Particelle catastali e tipologie edilizie del Mandamento Castellammare.



How to Cite

Damiano, M., Dardanelli, G. and Ferrara, S. 2015. A SIT for PPE of the city of Palermo: the case study of Castellammare district. Bollettino della società italiana di fotogrammetria e topografia. 4 (Jun. 2015), 4–9.


