Automatic procedures for monitoring GNSS permanent stations networks through Precise Point Positioning approach


  • Stefano Gandolfi Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura DICAM – ARCES Viale Risorgimento n° 2 40136 Bologna
  • Luca Poluzzi Università di Bologna Scuola di Ingegneria e Architettura DICAM – ARCES Viale Risorgimento n° 2 40136 Bologna


GPS, Precise Point Positioning (PPP), GPS Permanent Stations, Monitoring


The increasing number of GNSS permanent stations both in Italy and around the world can have a huge amount of data that may be monitored continuously and in accurate and precise wise.

From some years the calculation approach known as Precise Positioning Point (PPP) constitutes a valid alternative to the differential approach, since it allows to obtain precision and accuracies of the same order of magnitude but in the face of a flexibility of calculation certainly advantageous and computation time significantly reduced.

These accuracies are reachable applying an ambiguity resolution strategy and a successive framing approach. As known PPP estimate coordinates of points (GNSS stations) into the same reference frame (RF) of the orbits that can be different from the International or National RF (IGS08 or others). In this work, the computing architecture that allows to manage the monitoring of several networks of permanent stations is shown. This procedure is already running and it will be shown from a 16 GNSS permanent stations network evenly distributed on Italy and neighboring areas in a time window of 11 years.


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Mappa delle 16 stazioni.



How to Cite

Gandolfi, S. and Poluzzi, L. 2013. Automatic procedures for monitoring GNSS permanent stations networks through Precise Point Positioning approach. Bollettino della società italiana di fotogrammetria e topografia. 1 (Apr. 2013), 41–53.




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