Testing a positioning and controlo technology based on the GPS system and smartphone networks


  • Marco Gatti Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Università di Ferrara, via Saragat 1, 44100 Ferrara


smartphone, GNSS, GPS


The University of Ferrara is forming and testing a positioning and control technology, based on the GPS positioning system and on mobile networks. This system may be a valid alternative to the GPS permanent station networks, and to the VRS and VBS systems. It consists of a “semi-permanent” base station, that is installed in the field, in the working area. It will be removed at the end of surveying operations and reinstalled in a next area. This station is able to broadcast in real time differential corrections to Rovers that are in the RTK coverage zone whilst receiving their real time positions. This work describes the plan, the prototype, initial laboratory and field tests and some issues which have arisen during the test executions.


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How to Cite

Gatti, M. 2005. Testing a positioning and controlo technology based on the GPS system and smartphone networks. Bollettino della società italiana di fotogrammetria e topografia. 1 (Mar. 2005), 185–195.


